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Some Cabbage Facts and Stories
The name ‘cabbage’ is derived from the French term ‘caboche’, which means ‘head’.
Cabbage is popular for its discovered medicinal and therapeutic properties.
Cabbage indeed has been used both as a food and a medicine for quite a long time.
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Cabbage
Proper selection, storage, and serving of cabbage is helpful, especially with those who follow the Cabbage Soup Diet.
cabbage is a tough vegetable that grows well when planted in fertile soils.
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Some people, who desire to lose weight quickly, utilize the well-
Cabbage can be grown easily if you choose suitable varieties and observe correct insect management and proper culture. Cabbage has always been regarded as a very good source of vitamins and has disease-
Cabbage varieties are enumerated below, with their respective properties:
Early cabbages are transplanted soon enough so they will mature before the heat of summer. They are easily transplanted from either cell-
Another important factor in growing cabbages is irrigation. This will help the young plants endure the intense sunlight and summer heat and will supply them will sufficient water. There is really no particular time when the cabbages can be harvested, for as long their heads are already formed and solid and firm to hand pressure. However, they must be harvested before their heads crack or split. Good cabbages are essential for a good Cabbage Soup Diet.